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SPPIES: A slack group for Scholarly Programmers

November 4, 2024

Are you interested in the technical side of scholarly publishing technology and infrastructure? If so, you’re welcome to join the SPPIES Slack group.

SPPIES is short for Scholarly Publishing Programmers and Infrastructure Enthusiasts, in homage to programmers’ love of acronyms. One of the ‘P’s is silent.

I set up the group in 2020. At the time the pandemic was keeping us all home and cancelling conferences. I wanted to keep in touch with people who have an interest specifically in the technical side of scholarly publishing metadata systems and infrastructure.

It now has over 120 members, drawn from the infrastructure, research and publishing sides, from commercial and not-for-profit organisations. It’s a niche interest, but there are enough people out there to keep the conversation going.

If you want to join, email me .